The aim is the link: linking the enclaves between themselves, linking the surrounding municipalities as well.
The link has the ambition of revealing the existing value of landscapes, uses, costumes present on site. This is why the path arise from the contest, the ria.
Some walkways are already there; to rely them with small actions, using a lexicon that respects the site, permits the concretization of the global link.
Once the areas will obtain a better accessibility and visibility, new possible evolutions of the enclaves can take form.
The adopted strategy allows the arise of new ways that generate the connection between the urban site and the high part of the city (Eiris, Pedralonga, Chuac) as with the public facilities present on the study area (Maternity Hospital, the college of Sta. Maria del Mar…)
Nom projet: C001_eupa Lieu: La Corogne, Espagne Maitre d’ouvrage: Publique Mission: Concours Europan 13